Návrhy se zobrazí po zadání do vyhledávacího pole. Návrhy k vyhledání můžeš procházet šipkami nahoru a dolů. Pro výběr použij enter. Pokud vybereš frázi, odešle se k vyhledání celá fráze. Jestliže se jedná o odkaz, prohlížeč přejde na danou stránku.

Bezpečnostní informační zdroje v USA

Remember: In an emergency situation, or if your personal safety is threatened, contact local police or emergency services immediately.

Whether you're hosting or traveling, here are some resources for support along the way.

Emergency contact information

  • Emergency—Medical/Fire/Police: 911
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
  • National Substance Abuse and Mental Health [SAMHSA]: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
  • National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
  • Drug Trafficking: US DEA

Travel and documentation

Suicide and self-harm

Health and disease

Special planning considerations

Elevator safety

  • For Hosts considering installing residential elevators or who have already done so, it’s important to be aware of safety guidance from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on how to protect against gaps within residential elevators. Review the CPSC’s advisory and guidance.

We're here to help

If there’s an emergency in progress, please contact local emergency services or law enforcement authorities for assistance.

For other safety issues, we’re available 24 hours a day. Read more about how to contact us in our Help Center.

We take threats of suicide and self-harm very seriously and may reach out to authorities to request a wellness check if we are notified that there is an imminent safety risk.

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Související články

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  • Host

    Kontaktování podpory Airbnb.org

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Nech si poradit s rezervací, účtem a podobně.
Přihlásit se nebo se zaregistrovat