Návrhy se zobrazí po zadání do vyhledávacího pole. Návrhy k vyhledání můžeš procházet šipkami nahoru a dolů. Pro výběr použij enter. Pokud vybereš frázi, odešle se k vyhledání celá fráze. Jestliže se jedná o odkaz, prohlížeč přejde na danou stránku.
Zásady komunity

Můžu si vybrat, že chci hostit jen hosty stejného pohlaví, jako jsem já sám/a?

According to our Nondiscrimination Policy, you may make a listing available to only guests of your gender when you share living spaces with them (for example, bathroom, kitchen, or common areas).

Important exceptions

If you don’t share living spaces with guests, you may not:

  • Decline to rent to a guest based on gender
  • Impose any different terms or conditions based on gender
  • Post any listing or make any statement that discourages or indicates a preference for or against any guest on account of gender

Note: Airbnb does not assign a gender identity to our users. We consider the gender of an individual to be what they identify and/or designate on their profile.

Adding a custom house rule  

If you share living spaces with your guests, you can add a custom house rule in your settings that specifies which gender is allowed to book your listing.

  1. Go to Listings on airbnb.com
  2. Choose the listing where you’d like to add the rule
  3. Select Booking
  4. Under Additional rules and details in the house rules section, add a custom rule that lets guests know which gender is allowed to book your listing

Canceling a reservation 

If you get a reservation from a guest whose gender is different from yours, you can cancel penalty-free if you meet the following requirements:

  • The reservation was booked using Instant Book
  • You share living spaces with your guests
  • You specified in your house rules that only guests of your gender are allowed to book

How to cancel the reservation:

  1. Go to Your Reservations and find the reservation you need to cancel
  2. Click Change or Cancel
  3. Select “I’m uncomfortable with the reservation or the guest has broken my house rules”
  4. Click Next and choose “The guest broke a house rule or my listing doesn’t fit their needs”
  5. Click Next and write a message to the guest
  6. Click Cancel reservation

If you don’t fit the requirements mentioned above, you can still cancel the reservation but you may receive penalties for the cancellation.

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