
Singer Laren

Doporučuje 66 místních,
1 Oude Drift
Laren, NH

Tipy místních

November 4, 2015
Really nice museum with art from different times.
February 18, 2020
Lovely Village and Lovely museum.
January 23, 2017
Famous about the artist familie Singer end artist Anton Mauve how life'd both in Laren.
September 29, 2021
Singer Laren The exhibitions in the museum change multiple times a year. The Singer collection contains art from the period 1880-1950 from artists such as Anton Mauve, Jan Sluijters, Kees van Dongen, Leo Gestel and Bart van der Leck. The collection also contains sculptures, including seven sculptures by Auguste Rodin. This means that Singer Laren has the biggest collection of this artist in The Netherlands, the highlight being The Thinker. (source: Singer Museum -
Singer Laren The exhibitions in the museum change multiple times a year. The Singer collection contains art from the period 1880-1950 from artists such as Anton Mauve, Jan Sluijters, Kees van Dongen, Leo Gestel and Bart van der Leck. The collection also contains sculptures, including seven sculptur…
December 16, 2019
The exhibitions in the museum change multiple times a year. The Singer collection contains art from the period 1880-1950 from artists such as Anton Mauve, Jan Sluijters, Kees van Dongen, Leo Gestel and Bart van der Leck. The collection also contains sculptures, including seven sculptures by Auguste Rodin. This means that Singer Laren has the biggest collection of this artist in The Netherlands, the highlight being The Thinker. (source: Singer Museum -
The exhibitions in the museum change multiple times a year. The Singer collection contains art from the period 1880-1950 from artists such as Anton Mauve, Jan Sluijters, Kees van Dongen, Leo Gestel and Bart van der Leck. The collection also contains sculptures, including seven sculptures by August…

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